We attended 2025 Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW graduates live performances at Kunsthaus Baselland. Here is what we saw and heard!
Photography Matthieu Croizier

Doing Fashion Graduates 2025
Isabel Ackermann @_isasam_, Vann Berger @vannberger, Kai Breakspeare @kaibreakspeare,, Shawna Christen @chrshaa, Damara Dimcic @damaradimcic, Till Garcia de Oteyza Arends @tilloteyza, Aurélie Cuenot and Mardane Gaxotte as Paradigme Carré @aurelieswelt, @_mardane_, @paradigmecarre, Michaela Yue Guo @mika_yg_, Mitja Leon Haring @mitjaharing, Nicolas Hartmann @entwurf, eileen niamh hughes @atelierkupferdach, Vera Junz @vera_ntwortungsvoll, Katharina Leandra Kroha @katharinakroha, Luisa Later @_alphalaus, Cölestina Elena Lienhard @coelestinaelena, Jane Yanie Lienhard @nojanenogain.mp3 @janeyanielienhard, Billie Bling Madrigal Cartin @bbillie.bling, Laura Nick @user252805, Maximilian Preisig @____mohn, Patric Mustofa Orlando Sommer @mustofaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Merve Topal @mervetxpal, Bastian Wigger @whybenzocry, Piero Giovanni Zeni Mina @piero.zeni

Sometimes the backstory isn’t enough, and you need to focus on the now—shift the backstory into a present story.
—Aurélie and Mardane as Paradigme Carré

Just being present and being brave, embracing the magic that surrounds us—both big and small. Acknowledging that we are not the only organism on this planet. Countless creatures live alongside us, and I’m speaking about the tiny, scared, and vulnerable ones.
—Patric Mustofa Orlando Sommer

Being generous with your energy and time means offering presence without expectation, and creating space where others feel seen, heard, and valued.
—Vann Berger

What helps me step back into my body is dancing, dancing, dancing, sewing, sewing, sewing, singing, singing, dreaming, dreaming.
—Billie Bling Madrigal Cartin

My favorite part of the process is when the project evolves through collaboration—allowing new ideas to flow and inviting others to contribute to its growth.
—Mitja Leon Haring

Luckily, I had some time to practice heavy weightlifting, building community and critical thinking all at the same time.
—Luisa Later

It’s been such a long time coming for me to give honest insight about my work.
—Till Garcia de Oteyza Arends

Did it ever really happen, if no one was there to experience it?
—Maximilian Preisig

I always write little notes. I use written text as a way of letting go, creating space. Words become images. Spoken language is music.
—Maximilian Preisig

It’s been such a long time coming for me to look into my ancestors’ dress history and try to uncover what’s been buried for centuries.
—Eileen Niamh Hughes

In my mind, I know exactly what performance is, but sometimes I’m too shy to show what’s really going on in my head. I’m so thankful that other people are here.
—Billie Bling Madrigal Cartin

It is admirable how performers have such a courageous nature, an inner calm, and a hunger for new bodily experiences.
—Cölestina Elena Lienhard

It’s fun, but also exhausting, when you have to scream your truth.
—Patric Mustofa Orlando Sommer

I imagine events that are not actually happening, when reality feels too quiet. Sometimes, the mind craves a story louder than the present.
—Vann Berger

It all started with red lipstick, sparkly bathing suits, and gelatine in my hair. Five-year-old me getting ready for the synchronized swimming shows and knowing everything would be possible.
—Kai Breakspeare

My favorite part of the process is disliking something.
—Till Garcia de Oteyza Arends

I imagine events that are not actually happening, when reality feels too quiet—because sometimes the mind craves a story louder than the present.
—Vann Berger

I have a hard time separating fashion and politics, and I think it should actually be taught and thought of as one.
—Luisa Later

It’s fun, but also exhausting when you have to justify working in fashion.
—Mitja Leon Haring

What really gets me is hearing someone say they love grey jersey too. It seems somehow muted—almost like a non-material—yet simultaneously so basic.
—Shawna Christen

I want people to see what I’m doing because it’s sculptural, textural—but undeniably fashionable.
—Kai Breakspeare

My favorite part of the process is looking back on all the progress that has been made.

The first-ever collaboration between the Doing Fashion graduates 2025 and Kunsthaus Baselland marks an exciting opportunity: where performance, fashion, and the moving body meet—and merge—into contemporary art. Designers and artists alike are pushing these boundaries.
Stay tuned for Doing Fashion at Art Basel in Basel, in June 2025!