Salon de Normandy by The Community powered by Novembre was organized by The Community and powered by, as a free-to-visit and free-to-exhibit-by-invitation initiative at Hotel le Normandy in Paris, between October 17 and 20, 2019.

Day 1: Opening

Book Launch Tinted Window 2nd Issue, hosted by After 8 Books
Performance Ange Halliwell
Run Away Show António Castro hosted by Umwelt PR

Flowers Beaude Studio
Pictures Samuel Spreyz

Day 2

Artist Talk Nick Sethi gives one hour of unscripted commentary on his 35 hours long slideshow presenting 10 years of work from India, hosted by The Community
BOOK LAUNCH Provence, hosted by After 8 Books
PERFORMANCE Bendik Giske hosted by Riboca2

Pictures Samuel Spreyz

Day 2: Novembre Cocktail

Reba Maybury presents a reading from “The Consequences of His and Hers” 2018-19
Adrienne Herr wearing Julia Heuer, presents Light Works and Poems For Angels

Flowers Beaude Studio
Pictures Kei Takeda

Day 3

ARTIST TALK Nick Sethi gives one hour of unscripted commentary on his 35 hours long slideshow presenting 10 years of work from India, hosted by The Community
PERFORMANCE Alix Boillot + Julien Lacroix present “Potential Scenography”
BOOK LAUNCH >be me - a collection of greentexts by Aapo Nikkanen hosted by After 8 Books
PERFORMANCE MSL: antti/jarri hosted by Titanik
PERFORMANCE Antti-Juhani Manninen: Mumblecore hosted by Titanik
SCREENING SERIES Jenna Sutela, James Hoff, and Spiros Hadjidjanos hosted by PAN

Pictures Kei Takeda